The average house price on BROOMFIELD MEWS is £498,319
The most expensive house in the street is 1 BROOMFIELD MEWS with an estimated value of £591,231
The cheapest house in the street is 4 BROOMFIELD MEWS with an estimated value of £406,867
The house which was most recently sold was 9 BROOMFIELD MEWS, this sold on 30 Sep 2021 for £392,000
The postcode for BROOMFIELD MEWS is IP5 3TN
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
1 BROOMFIELD MEWS Detached £591,231 £320,000 9 Jan 2009
3 BROOMFIELD MEWS Detached £522,704 £420,000 29 Mar 2019
4 BROOMFIELD MEWS Detached £406,867 £71,000 1 Sep 1995
6 BROOMFIELD MEWS Detached £558,218 £146,500 19 May 2000
8 BROOMFIELD MEWS Detached £485,355 £390,000 25 Jan 2019
9 BROOMFIELD MEWS Detached £425,543 £392,000 30 Sep 2021